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Artist's Bio

James J. Fairbanks IV is an animator, producer, screenwriter, and character designer. After graduating with his Bachelor of Arts in Cinema & Television Arts from California State University Northridge’s College of Arts, Media, and Communication in 2015, James attended professional art training courses at the American Animation Institute in Burbank, CA. James was also awarded an Art Scholarship from the 2015 CSU Summer Arts program in Illustrating and Writing Children’s Books.


After releasing his first picture book, “Crystal & The Northern Lights” with Amazon in 2018, James founded 4th Scope Productions with his father Jim and brother Cole. Together they have since created four brand new animated concepts for television ages (3-5), (6-11) and (13-17) which have received positive feedback from the animation industry as well as social media. One of which "Connie The Conjurer" has been pitched to multiple networks and has been invited to be shown to audiences at events such as L.A. Comic Con & Toon Con. Connie is an animated series dealing with topics right from James's own childhood of growing up with social anxiety. While it may be a fun and spooky adventure, at its core it shows how an individual with these situations navigates the world. 


James and his work have been featured in multiple media outlets such as Voyage LA Magazine, ShoutOut LA Magazine, RAD TV, Hollywire, Creative Talent Network Expo, and Art of Autism. James has also done freelance work for both commercial and charity clients ranging from t-shirts and promotional art to charity artwork for Autism awareness groups like "A Walk on Water" to Pet and Breast Cancer awareness groups in California.


James and 4th Scope Productions are currently in pre-production and general status with all four of their animated projects: "Connie The Conjurer", "Maddy's Batty World", "Crystal & The Northern Lights", & "Into The Light". (Pitches Bibles are available to view upon request.)

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